Lena - Satellite (Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Winner) - Germany
The winner of the 55. Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Oslo - Norway for Germany Lena Meyer-Landrut - Satellite 29 May 2010 1. Lena - Satellite (Germany) 246 Points 2. maNga - We Could Be the Same (Turkey) 170 Points 3. Paula Seling & Ovi - Play
Lena, Lena Meyer-Landrut, Meyer-Landrut, Meyer, Landrut, Satellite, Eurovision, Song, Contest, 2010, Eurovision Song Contest, Oslo, Norway, Norwegen, Norge, Telenor Arena, Winner, Germany, Deutschland, Stefan Raab, Unser Star für Oslo, Europe, Alexander R
Mängitud: 1,591 (1,311)
Lisas: kitty111
kittycat123(4 juuni 2012 14:23)