Baby - Justin Bieber DANCE
Carlyle-Gray and pinkHannah-Orange and brownRachel-Blue13 year old girls that made up a dance to Baby by Justin Bieber plz no haters we were just playing and plz if u dance to this plz dont take credit for this dance. and we know we cant reject go
baby, justin, bieber, dance, sisters, fun, kidrauhl, reject, christain, beadles, guinea, pigs, house, random, blue, orange, pink, Best, friends, forever, bff, no, haters, please
Mängitud: 1,656 (1,285)
Lisas: LoveHate-
Grets(18 august 2012 12:02)
Rõvedad tüdrukud !!!!!!!! Ei oska tantsida !!!!!!
LoveHate-(19 august 2011 18:41)