Doggie Dentures - PEDIGREE® DENTASTIX® Commercial
Denture Your Dog at 4 out of 5 dogs over the age of three have gum disease, and tartar buildup could be a contributing factor. Could Doggie Dentures be the solution? Dogs don't want dentures. They want DENTASTIX® Treats
Doggie, dentures, denture, Dentastix, Treats, oral, care, dog, teeth, brushing, commercial, TV, Pedigree, funny, dogs, talking, cute
Mängitud: 3,846 (2,576)
Lisas: Teddy-Bear
liis(21 november 2011 10:35)
see oli teist sugune
Külaline(26 juuni 2011 19:05)
igav ma olen televiisoris näinud eestikeeles
Külaline(26 juuni 2011 19:05)
Teddy-Bear(23 aprill 2011 09:48)
okei ss
Külaline(22 aprill 2011 21:19)